Ordering process
1. Shopping cart
Choose the products that you want to order by clicking on the "in the shopping cart" button. In this way, your products will be added to the shopping cart. You can edit the contents of your shopping cart at any point during the ordering process, until you have completed it. You can change the amount for each product, and also remove an item completely by clicking the "remove" button, or abort the process by clicking "cancel". By clicking "check out" you will get to the next stage of the ordering process.
2. Checkout
Log in using your email address and password if you already have an account. Otherwise, please register as a new customer.
The management of your personal data adheres to the provisions of the applicable data protection laws in collecting, using, and processing data related to individual persons. We assure you that the information you provide will be treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable provisions of data protection law.
When you're logged in, you can now select your delivery method. By clicking on the "Next" button you will progress to the next stage of the ordering process.
3. Checking your billing address and selecting your method of payment
Please check your billing addres, and select your preferred method of payment. By clicking on "Next" you will progress to the next stage of the ordering process.
4. Checking your delivery address and selecting your method of delivery
Please check your delivery address, and select your preferred method of delivery. By clicking on "Next" you will progress to the next stage of the ordering process.
5. Confirming your order / Terms and Conditions
You will receive a summary of your order: your chosen products, the delivery and billing addresses, as well as your contact details. Please check that this is all correct, and ensure that you agree to the terms and conditions.